Thursday, August 29, 2024

Tucker's 17th Birthday

Back in June Tucker turned seventeen!!!  He has his driver's license and even a job life guarding at the YMCA.  
To celebrate he wanted to play ultimate frisbee with friends so that is what he did!  Afterwards we did a family party with presents, cake and ice cream and we measured his height on the wall.  He was disappointed that he only grew a half inch this year.    He requested a peanut butter cake with Reese's and kitkats. 
Tucker likes soccer, and creating music on the computer.  
He wants to go on a mission right after he graduates high school and then go to college, but he isn't sure what he wants to do for a career yet.
In these pictures he is wearing his New Castle soccer jersey.  
Tucker is a great big brother and good example to his siblings.  He works hard in school and in sports.  He is outgoing and social but is on the quiet side at school.

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