Sunday, September 1, 2024

House Building and In-Laws

I wanted to give a quick update on how the house building is coming.  And I am happy to report that it is coming along.  After so many months waiting it is fun to see it start to take shape.
While Bob does about 99% of the work the kids and I are happy to leave our mark and do just enough that we feel like we are building a house too.
Bob has had some trouble with the scissor lift he rented and a couple time he got stuck at the top and couldn't get it to turn back on.  This time he was able to climb onto the roof and get down that way.
I did spend a good amount of hours putting the roof on with Bob.  It is cool to see it finished.

If you look close at the next picture you can make out where our front door and windows will be.  The garage is the right half with the lower roof.
I looked over one day and saw Beatrix happily drilling.  All the kids can now successfully use a drill.

Bob's parents flew out to help.  We were so happy to have them come!
We spent most of the time carrying these trusses over and putting them in the house. They are what goes between the first and second floor and they are heavy.
Bob's brother Ben also flew out to help for a couple days but I failed to get any pictures.  They were at the property working the entire time.
The house is a little further along than this picture.  It has the house wrap around most of it, but other than that this is where we are at.  Still have a long way to go, but I'm hoping to have it all enclosed before the weather gets worse.

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