Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Story Time

I've been getting back into the routine of taking the kids to story time at the library.  We took a break for a little while because their gymnastics class was at the same time, but now that they are back in dance we can do both.  Penelope has really started to read so I've been having a hard time keeping up with finding books on her level.  She can read at a beginner level and I want to keep giving her books she likes.  I'm hoping that she will keep it up instead of just getting bored an quitting.
Leon doesn't listen to the stories much.  But all the kids get excited when they turn on the music and get the shakers out.
I usually look up books online and put them on hold so I can just grab them and be done..  Looking through the shelves is a nightmare with Leon pulling all the books down.  The kids usually convince me to let them choose one book themselves.  Babymouse is a favorite of theirs.  Most of the time I never even read their books to them but they occupy themselves looking at the pictures.

Taking the kids to the library is one thing the kids and I like to do together during the day.  I miss taking Tucker now that he is in school.

1 comment:

Lorraine Butler said...

The library is the first thing I find (besides church and the grocery store) when I move to a new place. I think it's a great place to bring children. Good job!