Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Emjoi Slim Review

The people at Emjoi sent their compact hair removal device to me to test out.  At first I wasn't sure what to expect.  I usually shave my legs with a disposable razor but I've heard some people like to use an electric razor and I though this would be similar to that.  After trying it out I quickly realized it is not like that at all.  The Emjoi Slim uses tweezers to pull the hair from the root giving you longer lasting smooth skin.
I first tried it on the back of my hand and it hurt, not what I was expecting, but I'm sure people could get used to it.  Especially if you already wax, I'd imagine it is the same sort of feeling.  I like the blue color and how small it is.  It could easily fit in my purse and sells for $34.95.

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