Our main reason for choosing Vancouver BC as our destination was the Capilano Suspension Bridge. Everyone I talked to talked about how cool it was and it didn't disappoint. The bridge was built in 1889, I think they said in 5 days, and is 450 feet long.
We went on a hot Saturday in August so it was pretty crowded. The bridge was very wobbly as we walked across. Neither Bob nor I was scared but we did see one Adult guy hunched over two handing the rope looking very scared.
This next picture shows how high up the bridge is. I wasn't even at the bottom when I took the pic.

Once we got to the other side there were several bridges suspended between the trees. These weren't as high or as long but it was cool how they were attached to the trees. They have a way of doing it so it doesn't hurt the trees. And they get higher and higher up as the trees grow.

It was hot outside the day we went, but it felt nice and cool in the trees.
After the trees we went out onto a ledge suspended out over nothing. I think they call it a cliff walk.
The name Capilano came from Kia'palano which was the name of a great Squamish chief who lived in the area in the early part of the 1800s. They had a short tour explaining the history and a few totem poles.
It was a pretty cool place that just gave me more reason to have a big yard with beautiful trees for the kids to climb and play on.
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