Thursday, January 25, 2018

Hair Colors

 Penelope and I took had fun taking selfies after using her hair colors she got for Christmas.  I felt like My Little Pony.  I love spending one on one time with the kids and I know they like it to.  It is always one of those things that I always forget to do or never seem to have enough time for.  It never has to be fancy or some big outing.  Even ten minutes of just me an that child talking, playing or doing something they want to do can do wonders for their attitude.  It helps grow our bond and it also shows them that I care about them aside from when we are doing school or when they are in trouble.

Looking back at these pictures has been a great reminder of that for me.  I'm going to try to work harder at it.  In the past we've done individual date nights with the kids.  Those work great but can be hard to work in.  Instead I'm going to assign each child a weekday.  I have five kids so it works out great, and remind myself to take a little time out for one specific child that day.    It isn't much, but without even that little bit of effort I know it won't get done.

1 comment:

Gayle Daly said...

I LOVE THOSE COLORS!!!! So much fun!!!