We went with our hiking group to Kinugasayama Park. It's a charming park with plenty of trails and little wooden animals everywhere.
When we first got to the lookout spot the children found these awesome icecles growing straight into the ground. This piece tucker is holding he actually flipped it over for the picture, so the ice was growing straight down. They were so thin and fine. I've never seen anything like it. Nature is cool.
I held a couple in my fingers to make sure they were ice and after rubbing for a second they melted away.
I only took pictures of a couple animal sculptures. Scarlett was happy to pose for me.
I gave Penelope my scarf because she was frozen like a popsicle.
The kids were excited when we got to the playground.
I walked around the corner and Japan surprised me once again. I've never seen anything like this at a kids playground before. Tucker and Penelope loved it! Scarlett even got into it after a while, but it was a little hard for Leon. Calista and I kept walking around to keep warm.
On the way back Penelope and I took the longer path to get a picture of this Koala, my favorite.
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