Friday, June 22, 2018

Penelope Modeling for Isetan

This modeling job happened a while back but I had to wait until the catalog came out before I could share pictures of Penelope and the product.  So that is why we are dressed so warmly.  This job happened on a Saturday so I was able to go with only Penelope and Calista.  It was nice to not have to drag all the kids along.
Of course Penleope got a large cut on her face a couple days before the shoot.  I had to email in a picture and ask what to do.  Luckily they said that it is ok and they would cover it with make up.
I think getting her hair done is one of her favorite parts.
I love the Japanese style backpacks.  I wish we could keep one but we never get any products to keep.  Some of these backpacks sell for over $1,000!
I could tell she was a bit uncomfortable, but she did really well and quietly following directions. 
They didn't want any smiles so that made things easier for her.
There were so many backpacks!

Afterward we walked past a train museum and decided to check it out.
Here are the pictures out of their catalog.  Go here to see it online.

I think the best part of these modeling jobs is just that the kids get to spend one on one time with me.  It is just a special day for them, and they get paid.  I actually don't think they are excited about the money at all because we just stick it into their bank account.  At the shoots they usually have a table of snacks and lunch for the models and the kids really love that as well.

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