Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Putt Putt

We took the kids putt putting for the first time while in Washington.  We were actually reading a picture book where the family goes and the kids were asking about it so we promised we would take them.  It is kind of funny to me that they have never been because we seemed to go all the time when I was a kid.  I guess we just don't have a good place by our house.
The windmill was the most exciting one because that is what they saw a picture of in a book.

Tucker was a little sad because he wanted to run off and do it with his cousins but I made him stay with us.  He got over it though.

Calista struggled as well.  We brought the stroller thinking she would ride in it, but nope, she was not having it.  Bob and I had a hard time holding her and trying to play.  I think she was still pretty grumpy from the jet lag.
On a completely unrelated note, my elementary school is being torn down.  I'm a little sad about it.  They are first building the new school in the field and once that is complete they will tear down the school and turn that into the field.  It will be interesting to see it next time I come home for a visit.

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