Tucker helps out the family a lot. He often makes lunch for everyone and the newest thing he has been working on is going to the store all by himself. He can ride his bike to either the grocery store or the 7/11 and get things that we need. I sent him to get more toothpaste the other day and it was so nice to not have to drag everyone there myself. I was pretty impressed too because not only did he need to figure out Japanese money the toothpaste tubes were all in Japanese and he wasn't positive he was getting the right thing. But he thought it was toothpaste and he told me about how he checked the prices of all of them and got the cheapest one. It was awesome! It has been really great for everyone. I love how helpful it is and he seems to really enjoy it as well. I can tell that every time I give him a new responsibility his self confidence increases and I am sending him the message that I trust him as well. Next I am going to teach him to go to my favorite restaurant and pick up take out.
Tucker is really great at playing! As he gets older I am watching for him to loose interest in playing and start caring more about other things. But that hasn't happened yet. He seems to have a bit of a younger personality compared to others his age, not by much but compared to some kids. I think that is just great. Right now he could care less about what he looks like. All he wants to do is play and have fun. Screen time is of course a favorite of his so we really limit it. Most days he doesn't watch TV at all but when he does he is really glued to the screen.
Reading is probably his biggest past time right now and it has been for a while. I love how he stays up at night to read. He also is really into making videos with his dad. Tucker also loves animals. Whenever we walk past a dog he wants to stop and pet it. My other kids will be crying and trying to get as far away as possible but not Tucker. Right now he wants to be a veterinarian when he grows up.We love Tucker and are glad he is in our family!
Tucker is looking really comfortable with himself. Giving him responsibilities like that is so good for him. Success is how to build his self confidence.
Happy birthday Tucker! That's awesome he can run little errands for you. Can't wait for that day! Ha! He is looking so grown up.
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