I love to decorate the house for the holidays, especially Halloween and Christmas. I think it is so fun for the kids and it adds a little variety that I need. Last year we were living in a hotel so we didn't get to decorate at all. That just made me want to decorate twice as much this year. It was still difficult because we didn't bring any Halloween decorations from home and we are limited in what we can find at the stores here in Japan.
We bought mostly everything at the dollar store except for the skeleton and some orange lights we hung outside. Those we got on Amazon. It is a little strange decorating the outside for Halloween when it is not something that the Japanese people do. They probably think we are really weird for putting up orange lights and pumpkins outside our door. Halloween is really starting to catch on here though, and I've heard form others that even in the past ten years it has grown from an American holiday no one really thought about, to now selling some decorations and candy in the stores. I'd imagine it is more popular in our town because on Halloween night tons of Japanese people come onto base and go trick-or-treating.

I love how this web turned out. Bob put it up with just black yarn. It turned a big blank white wall into a fun simple and practically free decoration.

The bats were another almost free decoration that turned out amazing. It was really a family project. We all worked for about 30 minutes. I nonstop traced bats onto construction paper, while everyone else cut them out.
And our little witches broom and hat. It is actually a real broom, but I thought it looked cute set up in the corner. These types of brooms are popular and pretty normal here. I remember the first time Leon saw someone sweeping their driveway with one. He insisted she was a witch.
Can't wait for the big day.
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