Sunday, October 7, 2018

JeJu Day 2

On our second full day in Jeju we took our time getting up in the morning.  In fact I'm pretty sure we stayed in bed and finished the movie I fell asleep during the night before.  Bob found out that I really hadn't seen very many of the Marvel movies so almost every night and during our travel on the flights we watched them, in order.  Now I almost feel like an expert.

After our leisurely morning we hopped on the scooter and headed to the lava caves.  Unfortunately they were closed.  It was pretty disappointing and so we sat out side the park and at our lunch while we made a new plan.  We saw car after car come and then leave after realizing they were closed.  We even saw a bus drop off a group of people who then had to just sit there and wait for the next bus to come pick them up.  We were not the only ones who did not get the message.
We moved on to a stone park.  All over the island were these statues that I called Jeju guys.  This was a park/museum dedicated to them.
We just took our time walking around and checking everything out.
 Everyone was taking pictures here, so we did as well.

In the museum they had a lot of information about rocks in general.  It would have been a good homeschool field trip for the kids.  In the next picture is a room with meteorites.  At least that is what we gathered from the signs.  Bob is looking at a real live frog we found on one.

For dinner we ate at this kim bop chungook resturaunt.  Bob loved it and said this was just the type of place he ate at on his mission all the time.
He didn't have any problems ordering on the Korean menu.  He also spoke quite a bit of Korean when we needed him to.  Mostly to shop owners or taxi drivers.  A few times he understood people talking about us, which was weird.  I'm sure it happens in Japan but we are oblivious.  A couple comments he heard were about my hair, or people discussing getting up the nerve to speak to us in English.  That was kind of fun. 
That night we went to the show Nanta.  It was a play musical performance with chefs and lots of drumming.  It was fun an entertaining.  They randomly pulled Bob up on stage for a little sketch.  He didn't even raise his hand or anything, they just came off the stage and pulled him up.  We had fun.
Before we left the next morning I wanted to take a picture to remember the tiny cute airbnb we stayed at.  It was the perfect size for us and reminded me of a college dorm.
That night we decided to try a load of laundry.  It looked like a washer/dryer in one that we used to have so we put in our clothes and Bob figured out to start it.  Unfortunately it ended after about half an hour and we realized that it was just a washer.  There was no dryer.  We were able to hang up our clothes around the room so they could dry through the night.  It was funny.
The next morning we returned the scooter and hopped on a plane to Busan.

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