Friday, May 31, 2019

Family Visit

It is such a big deal when family comes all the way over to Japan to visit us, we really try to make the most of it whenever we can.  Here are some pictures from when my parents and Tianna came to our house.

First off, is sushi-go-round.  I'm pretty sure the kids love it more than anyone, but these places are everywhere in Japan so it almost feels like we need to show our guests one of these resturaunts.  We also went to a ramen shop, another classic Japanese place to eat.
One night when they were here Tucker was participating in a service auction with the ward young men.  It was fun to see him serving us.  And they raised enough money for everyone to go to camp.
 One day we walked to a local shrine. 

 I got the delicious fluffy pancakes that I've been dying to try.
 We even went to the beach.
Calista got to sleep in our room while they were here.  That was a little bit of a challenge, but it wasn't too bad.  She thought it was lots of fun.

The weather was great, most days.  One day it was really rainy and miserable outside so we spent most of the time inside playing games. 
I'm so glad they came out to visit!

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