Thursday, January 2, 2020

Bob's Birthday

I like to start our Christmas celebration with Bob's birthday.  Yes, we do a lot before December 22nd, but when we have Bob's birthday pie it really starts to feel like Christmas is just around the corner.
36 years old!  Woop Woop!  Bob is such a great guy.  The kids and I are really lucky to have him in our family.
Bob is the hardest worker I know.  He gets up at 4:40 and is nonstop all day until he fall asleep around 10pm.  He worked a half day for his birthday so we could go out to lunch together.  It was a Saturday, but him working only a half day felt great.

 Happy Birthday Bob!

1 comment:

Gayle Daly said...

Yes - you definitely hit a gold mine with Bob.