Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Staying Home

Bob had a whole Saturday and Sunday off in a row and man did I get a lot done, especially on the Saturday.   It was the first weekend we were told to just stay home so we couldn't go anywhere anyway.  Among other things I was able to give four kids haircuts and sew the girls all dresses.  If felt good to check so many things off my to-do list.  

If you look closely you can see a bottle way up on the ledge up there.  Tucker spent a long time trying to throw it up there.
Most nights while we read scriptures Calilsta walks around and combs everyone's hair.  Sometimes she attempts pony tails, which are painful.  The other night Beatrix started combing people's hair and it was so cute and unexpected.  I love it when babies start to do something new that shows how much they are really watching and learning from us all day long.

 Bob and the kids had a little Mario time.
Calista likes to get ice cream out of the fridge and then take it and lock herself in the the bathroom shower while she eats it and hopes we don't find her.  She has even learned to sit with her back against the door so after we do manage to pick the lock we have to push her out of the way while opening the door.

While they all worked on that is when I sewed and sewed and sewed.  I really don't love sewing, it seems more like a chore that I need to get done sometimes.  I usually get these ideas to make awesome things, then buy the material, and let it sit around forever until I finally get up the energy to work on making it.

The gym is officially closed, which is sad for Bob.  We totally expected it though.  Here he is riding his bike in the house.
 Calista also made a dress with some scraps she found.
 Bob helped the kids make elephant ears.  We all love them.  But every time we eat them people feel sick.  They are just so unhealthy.
 Beatrix got pretty worn out.

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