Thursday, July 30, 2020

Puzzles and More

I recently purchased a couple of puzzles from the thrift store.  This 1000 piece puzzle was the toughest by far I have ever done.  I think our last biggest was 300 pieces.  It was time consuming.  The only safe place to do it was to put this little table on top of our kitchen table.  It was safe up there from little toddler hands.  We kept all the not connected pieces right on the regular table and just ate around them.  The little table legs didn't interfere too much with the dining table.  It pretty much consumed my life for a week.  The kids and Bob helped here an there.  But there were a couple days where I pretty much ignored everyone and just worked on it.  I got to a point where I just needed it to be done and put away and the only way that was going to happen was for me to spend a lot of time on it.  Once I finished I took the table and put it back on the floor.  Sure enough before I had a chance to even take a picture of it, this happened. 
 I saw some KitKat flavors at the store that I don't remember seeing before.  I believe this first one was Roasted Green Tea and the second is Ocean Salt.
I was surprised how good the Ocean Salt one was.
Since Leon and Scarlett saw how much I was doing the puzzle they each created one for Bob and I to do. 
It was so hard!  We spent like two hours on it.  All the paper pieces kept blowing away when we breathed.  Mine had random pencil coloring on both sides to it was impossible to tell if the papers were flipped over or not.  I also had no idea what shape I was going for.  Aparrently Scarlett made two heart shapes for me.
Leon just straight ripped up a piece of paper and expected Bob to put it together.  He gave up.  We had to ask the kids not to make us any more puzzles.
 Everyone was fascinated by a praying mantis we saw at the park.
I got my first ever hard boiled double yoke.  The kids were super happy about this.  Bob told us that for breakfast the same day he also got a double yoke.  What are the odds?
 I love that I can now leave the kids and spy on them while away.
And lastly just a video of Beatrix and our vacuum.

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