Monday, October 31, 2022


We went with a gas station theme this year for Halloween.  Most of the kids are the inflatable gas station people.  The ones that wave their arms around and are meant to draw attention.  Scarlett wanted to be a gas pump, I am a car, and bob is the station attendant.  Tucker refused to participate.
We made the costumes out of those plastic table clothes.  
The first time the kids wore them was to the school trunk-or-treat/festival.    It was hard for the kids to see in the costumes.
We adjusted them and the kids wore them again at the ward activity, which I didn't get pictures, but they were still breaking and not quite working out.

By the time it was actually Halloween no one wanted to wear them and everyone just found things we had.  I understand why the kids didn't want to wear them, but I was a little disappointed that my vision didn't' really come to life how I wanted.
Scarlett even tried one on so I wouldn't have something to go with my car costume, but she couldn't see, so she didn't wear it long.
Tucker and Leon were characters from Star Wars.
We saw the perfect black cat.
Bob was out of town on Halloween day so it was just me and the kids.
We went to main base and after trick-or-treating we hung out at a friends house and passed out candy.  
I didn't have nearly enough.  They open up the gates to the Japanese people and it was just lines and lines of people for three straight hours.  95% of them Japanese.  I think most of them come on to experience an American Halloween.  They were very polite, some even giving us candy back.  We got one thank you note.  Many of them were older teens, and a few parents walking around with just a baby asking for candy.

Tucker and People went around base with friends, and even Scarlett a little bit.  I think Leon felt a little left out of that, but he was ok.
I think everyone had a lot of fun.  
Before we even drove home I threw away all the big costumes.  It was so hard for us to fit in the car with all the gas station costumes, they did not need to come home.  Now I get the joy of picking up hundreds of wrappers, and pull dum dum sticks off of things for the next week.

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