We had ward conference so a member of the stake taught our lesson. The whole thing was about the church's addiction recovery program and the prevalence of pornography today. She talked about how it is time for many to take their head out of the sand and realize the seriousness and vastness of this issue. She even gave some statistics most shockingly %87 of adult men reported using pornography at some level. That does not exclude church members and it is only the men who admit to it. We learned about how it doesn't matter who you are it can affect anyone at any age, religion, gender, church position, or job. One of the biggest problems with this kind of addiction is the fact that it is so secretive. That is why I wanted to make this post. We need to be aware and actively trying to safeguard our homes against it. She also stressed the importance of understanding that it is a real addiction and a person addicted cannot simply stop. It has a chemical affect on the brain and requires help to overcome. But through the savior all people can be healed even from addiction. It is such a huge issue that almost every stake in the country has anonymous classes modeled off of the AA program and also support classes for people with loved ones that are addicted. She talked about how if you think that this doesn't affect you then you are wrong because there is someone in everyone's life who is struggling with this. It is important that we get the facts so we know how to help and at the same time not judge. For more information the church came out with a seperate website www.combatingpornography.org.
On a completely different note, I took some pictures before church today. We are going to my parents ward next week so i had the kids wear their Easter cloths this week too. The dress is a little big but hopefully she will grow into it when the sun decides to come out.
I asked Tucker what kind of pose he was dong and he said he was having a baby in his tummy. It was cute.
I think I did such a good job on my pose that we should send it to the Chruch magazine headquarters and try to get it to be the picture in a serious article about someone whose parents just died or something. Too bad I wasn't wearing a missionary tag. Then it could be about a phone call a missionary got from an investigator saying they didn't want to get baptized anymore. I guess I could photoshop a tag in. :-)
That's so funny what Tucker said...I think it looks just like all your poses Doranda, prego or not! lol
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