We went snorkeling! I think the kids are so cute in this. I especially love Penelope's swimsuit ruffles sticking out.
Below is a picture of where we went. It is supposed to have the best snorkeling in the area. And there were kind of a lot of people there so I believe it. Check out all the animals! The seals were everywhere and loud!
Here I am getting ready to go. I will have to say that I didn't really like the snorkeling part. I think I would have liked it if I had some kind of floatie or if I could have gone out with bob. There was tall grass in the water and I got freaked out that I was going to get stuck in it. I swam out just fine but then I started to get worried. I felt like I couldn't breath so I pulled my head up and that is when my legs started getting stuck in the grass. I had to really concentrate on breathing slow and relaxing. It really freaked my out and I had a hard time getting back to the shore because of the grass (is it grass when it is underwater and 5ft tall?). I was probably out in the water for 5 minutes. I saw 2 bright orange fish that were pretty! I did not go back out.
I don't know why this sort of thing scares me. I would say I am an average swimmer. I love to play in the water. I went snorkeling before in Catalina and didn't have a hard time. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that I wasn't used to wearing all the snorkeling gear. It was hard to get used to it because the waves kept crashing down on me. It felt like you can't really half do it. You are either in or out. Does anyone else know what I am talking about here?
Bob didn't really seem to understand. He went out for a long time and was fine. He even brought Tucker out a little bit.
I hung out on the sand with Penelope and Scarlett.
Penelope was funny because she was fine wearing her sweater until she saw another little girl only wearing her swim suit. Then she insisted she take the sweater off and cried when I made her put it back on so we could go into the restaurant to eat.
They had a little cave there that we had to explore!
Even though snorkeling isn't turning out to be my thing, I am glad that I did it and I am willing to try again.

enter that first picture in "Live's" cutest kids contest.
BEAUTIFUL photography and family! Wow. Love your style!
I hated snorkeling. I've only done it once, but it was not a good experience. It took me almost the entire time just to get used to the snorkeling gear, so by the time I felt I was getting the hang of it, it was time to go. I tell my friends who are going for the first time to practice in a pool or something before they go out so they know how to use the gear! Also, seeing all the water creatures and stuff creeps me out. Snorkeling is just not my thing at all. Nathanael loved it, though.
Dying over the tutu!
I think I'm like you, I'm an average swimmer too but giant bodies of water kind of freak me out. I've gone snorkeling and didn't like it either. You are not alone.
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