Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Last T-ball Game

Saturday was Tucker's last t-ball game.  He did a great job and really enjoyed it, although I am glad it is over.  Three days a week devoted to t-ball was just a little much for me.  I felt like our family was running around like crazy over the past couple months just because of it.

When we arrived at the last game there were teams already playing.  I guess somehow the field got double booked so we had to move a few blocks away to a school.  We ended up starting about half an hour late.
I saw Tucker with his glasses on ready to bat.  He looked "cool" but I made him take them off.  We know a little boy with a scar on his forehead because he fell with sunglasses on.

Watching Tucker run around the bases was funny.  Sometimes he would get bored and just walk the last couple steps.  But if I motivated him by saying things like "See if you can catch the player in front of you,"  or "want me to count how many seconds it takes for you to get to second base?" Then he would run his fastest.
Catcher is a fun job.  The kids looked cute in all the gear.  And the catcher always gets to tag a few kids out at home plate because the last batter gets a home run every time.

Great job Tucker!

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