Thursday, July 17, 2014

Toothpaste Mess

I feel like toothpaste is one of those things you always have.  Like if you run out its no big deal because there are fifteen more tubes in the garage.  Well somehow we ran out the other day.  I think we left our only one at my parents house without realizing it was our only one or that we were leaving it,  And we suddenly had no toothpaste.  So the next day (sorry I went without brushing a night) at the store I bought three different kinds trying to figure out which I liked.  Somehow they all disappeared.  Then I found them in Scarlett's room.
All three were mostly squeezed out and spread around.  It was a huge mess.  It had even dried and was impossible to get out of the carpet.
 It took me forever to clean up.
Seriously this isn't even the half of it.  Pictures don't really do it justice.
I thought I was so mad at Scarlett.  I spent a long time washing it out of her hair (which she hated). And I made her clean her room for hours (with my help at the end).  It wasn't until I found her later the same day that I was truly upset with her...


Gayle Daly said...

Your adventures! WOW.

Mary-Anne said...

Oh, no.

Talitha said...

...I know what happened next! lol

Linda said...

Been there, done that but it was with Desitin-all over the bathroom, the boys clothes, and Randy's curly hair. I found out, finally after many tries, that dish detergent got it out of his hair. :-\