Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Low Tide

Playing on the beach when the tide is low can be just as much fun for the kids as playing on the toys at the park.  So when the library did a low tide exploration day I made sure we went.  They started out with a story and then they had a table out with lots of shells and other water things for the kids to check out.
While on the beach we did a little scavenger hunt for different animals and things.  It was amazing how many things we found in just one square foot.
These little crabs were everywhere!  If you pick up a medium or bigger rock these little guys are bound to run out.
And the water was crystal clear.  In this next picture it was only a couple inches deep.  I just thought it was pretty with all the rocks and broken shells at the bottom.
We found a few bigger crabs too.  Here is Tucker holding a medium size crab.  We saw a couple bigger ones swimming around in the water.
When we finished exploring the kids did a little craft.
It was the perfect mix of learning and fun!

1 comment:

Kristen @ See You In A Porridge said...

oh my gosh! the crabs totally would have freaked me out. but it looks like the kids enjoyed it :)