Penelope gave me instructions a few days before her birthday on how to decorate her door in the morning. Here is the video of when she woke up.
Penelope didn't give me much direction this year on what sort of cake she wanted for her birthday. So I got a large back of m&ms and stuck them all over the outside of her cake. Rainbows and bright colors are always popular with little girls so I thought she would like it.
She did however tell me that she wanted flower cupcakes for her class at school. Those I've made a few times before so they were pretty quick to frost and get ready. With her birthday being toward the beginning of the year she was nervous about me bringing cupcakes in because not many kids have done it yet. I think one parent must have dropped off treats in the office or something because Penelope kept asking me if I was going to leave them in the office. And she wanted to make sure I brought them to the classroom because she didn't want to go to the office. It was cute. I had to remind her that it might be her first time but it wasn't my first time. When I got there she had a crown on and was very excited. Her class sang to her and she got to pass out the cupcakes.
Then after school we did presents. Penelope got a couple things for her 18" doll, but she was really excited about her doll house furniture. She got two big bags of furniture for her doll house and some little dolls. It was great because up until now she has had the house without anything in it. She also loves her dress up aprons and her notebook with black paper. She got a 300 piece puzzle that the family ended up spending a couple days on. And the only place it fit was on the kitchen table so we had to eat on the floor. Then about 3 seconds after it was completed she ripped it apart. No pause for a picture or for me to pick up Leon and show him.
For dinner she requested Red Robin.
The kids had fun, although I was getting stressed because we were seated for 30 minutes before anyone came over to our table.
Overall she said she had a good birthday. It was different than what she is used to because she was gone most of the day. And then she was upset for the next couple of days because she didn't want to go to school she wanted to play with her new toys.

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