The morning devotional has been a great thing for our family. We usually practice a song we are working on and then I read and talk about a friend story. If the kids are having problems or questions we talk about it. Then if we have time we sing some fun songs and end in prayer. I love this time because it is one of the only times of the day when we get to sit and talk about important things.
Anyway Scarlett looked really cute eating her cereal the other day so I took a picture. She stays up late playing in her room sometimes and is still tired in the morning.
And since I had the camera out I had to take a picture of Leon closing his eyes. He has moved past holding his hands over his eyes and just squeezes them shut really hard. Usually one eye tighter than the other.
I love these kids!

Isn't it funny how just a tiny tweak in the schedule can make things so much more enjoyable and give just a bit of quality time back!
This is a wonderful new routine. Your children are so blessed to have you be their Mom.
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