I was able to buy Penelope's and Leon's at Good Will and make the rest from things we had around the house. Overall I probably spent $25 and most of that was on Penelope's costume. That's pretty good for six theme costumes.
They were cute skipping down the street together. I tired to get them to sing the song but it never quit worked out. Leon wasn't fast enough and they didn't know the words well enough.
Penelope made a great Dorothy and we already had the perfect dog.
Leon wore his costume many times before Halloween and loved growling at everyone.
Tucker said his costume was itchy so I let him take it off for some of the pre Halloween events but for the night of trick-or-treating he had to wear it. I didn't make it for nothing!
Scarlett got lucky with her costume because we are in San Diego! It was in the 80s on halloween and a warm 75 when we went trick-or-treating. No layers this year! We went to a park carnival thing during the day and I couldn't handle the heat. It was strange to be trick-or-treating with short sleeves and no coat and not even a hint of a chill. Last year we were so cold the kids did last as long as I wanted.
Here is the whole gang! Bob was the tin man and I'm the wicked witch.
We went to this great neighborhood where the houses really went all out. About 90% of them participated and many of the people were sitting on their front steps waiting for trick-or-treaters. The houses were even close together. This is our first year where all the kids could walk well and keep up. It was great!

San Diego! WOW what a nice adventure. The kids look great! I can't wait for Jack to be old enough to dress up and enjoy Halloween. It's one of our favorite holidays. Excited to hear all about your Southern California adventures. Happy holidays!
Those costumes are great Doranda! I always wish we could figure out a family theme like that. - Joshua
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