They have this fun lemur walk-thru area where you get to be in with them. You aren't allowed to touch them but they got semi close to us.
The only bad thing was that it was 5 and up. Scarlett and Leon cried and cried about it.
The safari park has a lot of different "adventure" type things you can pay to do and the only one we do is the tram. It is free with our membership and we have a good time so I don't worry about going on the ropes course or other things they offer.
I can't remember what this animal was called but I thought they were pretty cute.
This baby rhino was by far my favorite!!!! He was so cute. And the driver said that she has never seen the mom bring him down this close to the road.
I saw that one of the zoo rhinos has died since we went. I don't think it was this one because the article didn't say anything about it having a baby. It did say that now there are only 3 left of the species, one male and two female who are too old to have babies. Isn't that sad?
There is a neat lookout point where you can see most of the open park area.
Birds can be so colorful! I forget that sometimes and then I see one and they just look so bright.
Just hangin' with the bats.
The bats were actually creepy. The kids liked them but I wasn't a fan.They also really liked the petting zoo area.
I though this picture was sweet.
Tucker says he likes the safari park more than the zoo but I'm not sure. If I only did one I would do the zoo, but they have more animals. We will probably go to the zoo much more often but partly because it is much closer. I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to go to both places!

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What fun!!
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