It worked, I think we ended up spending about an hour and a half in line and they were probably about half way filled up. We had to come back later for our show time. So we took just looked around the star wars area.
The show was great. I hoped it was cool because we spent so long trying to do this for the kids. It was totally worth it! They got to dress up like Jedi's, do some training and actually fight Darth Vader. I filmed the show. Warning, it is long (even though I cut out some) and for a good part of it I thought the camera was off and it was filming my leg, sorry. I just didn't want to worry about editing it out right now. You might want to just skip to 8 minutes in where the kids start to fight Darth Vader. Penelope was the very first one out of all the kids to face him. I was worried she would chicken out, but she didn't give into her fear :)
I just think it is so cool that the kids actually got to be a part of it. They really thought they were using the force and training to be Jedi's. Kids get to pretend a lot, but it isn't often that they get to feel like they are really in the show. Afterwards Penelope kept asking me how the stage got lifted. And if it was really by the force. This was definitely one of the kids favorite things they did in Disneyland.
They had an area where you can build your own lightsaber. Bob and Tucker wanted to do that, so I entertained the other kids in the gift shop for about 15 minutes. We built little R2D2 guys. They just kept building them and then after a minute I would put the pieces back and they would build another. An employee came over and told me where I could buy them when we were done. We didn't buy any.
The light sabers were cool though, and we did buy them. Tucker's is double sided and Bob's is after Kylo Ren's. I just hope they don't break easily because they were definitely a splurge for us ($40 each).
The next picture is of the floor. I thought it was neat.The kids also got to meet Kylo Ren. The room was playing scary music and Leon and Scarlett were to scared to get close. I told the kids they better use the force on him. He told Tucker that Tucker wasn't ready to fight and to come back when he was older and stronger.
Chewbacca was also fun he is huge and even talks like him. I thought Leon would be scared of him, but he gave him a hug.
Tomorrow I'll post about our day in California Adventure.

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