Our first stop was at the Alpine slides. It was their first day open so we got a pretty good deal. The downside was that a few things weren't open. We only ended up doing the Alpine slide and the zip line.

This was my kids first time on a ski lift. Some of them were pretty scared. I even think they can be scary. But this was was excruciatingly slow and after the first ride none of them were scared of it anymore. I think it was 10 minutes to the top!
Because we have more short kids than adults we had to take turns going down the slide. Scarlett was pretty scared anyway and opted to wait and go on the next round.
Tucker went alone. His first ride he went very slow. I think we had 4 people backed up behind him by the time we got to the end. For his next turn I made sure he knew how to push it down and go faster. He did much better the other times and said it was pretty fun.
Then Bob and I did the zip line. I wasn't too scared. But the people had my straps wrong and didn't seem to care. I had to undo them and I was still trying to get the straps in correctly when they sent us off. I felt secure because I was sitting in the seat and I did just barely buckle get them buckled. I was just surprised there was no safety check at all. And they didn't even ask if I was ready, which I wasn't.
Our next stop was a burger place. I got a scrumptious blueberry brie burger. It was different but good! After a while the brie was a bit too much for me and I couldn't finish it.
Penelope was still getting used to her cousins and had a melt down over where to sit at the table. I wanted her to sit with her cousins and not me and that was a problem for her. Eventually we got her to sit next to Scarlett who was next to the cousins. By the end of lunch though, she started to warm up to them.
The older set of cousins been silly.
After lunch we headed to the rental house and got ready for wedding stuff.

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