Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Jr Rangers

Tucker and Penelope have been going to weekly Jr. Rangers meetings at the Tijuana River visitors center.  I love teaching the kids about nature so whenever I find out about kids activities like this I love to take them.  I'd have all the kids do it but they are pretty strict about the seven and up rule.
They learn about different animal and plant wildlife.  One time they planted plants.  Another time they picked up trash in the estuary.  
Their meetings are weekly and only an hour long.  That gives Scarlett Leon and I about an hour to hang out.  We usually go for walks or check out the visitors center.  One time we went home and drove back about 30 minutes later to pick up the kids.  I think Scarlett and Leon really enjoy the walks though.
Last time we saw a rabbit, lizard, squirrel, frog, and lots of different kinds of birds including ducks.
The visitors center is small but the kids seem to find plenty of ways to entertain themselves.

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Jacquelyn said...
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