About every two years the whole Woestman side of the family gets together for a family reunion. This year it we did it over Christmas at Bob's parents house in Cincinnati, Ohio. Bob's parents put a ton of work into it and it was amazing! It was so nice to get to see everyone and we had a great time.
Some of these pictures I took from Maria she was really on top of the pictures this year. Both Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas dinner were scrumptious.
All the kids received at least one set of legos for gifts and they were dying to put them together.
The family also spent a lot of time playing games. I was tired a lot, partly because of the pregnancy, partly because we stayed up late every night, and partly because I was on cold medicine part of the time so I took a nap almost every day. I missed out on the life games because of napping and that was ok with me :)
More to come...

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