On the way to the reunion we stopped a little hike. I think it was about a mile each way, perfect for stretching our legs after a few hours driving.
It was hot and sunny with little shade cover. When I read cave hike I was hoping for more like Ape Caves, which is one long tunnel type cave. Instead it was a hike with a few small shallow cutout type caves in the wall. Non of them went very far.
We had fun exploring. Tucker found what he thought looked like a rock nest and wanted to pose for a picture in it.
The landscape around us was pretty! Not at all what I'm used to, and I honestly prefer much more trees. But it was different and nice.
The highlight of the hike was on the way back when Scarlett found money. She was in the lead and all the sudden bent down and excitedly said she found a dollar. I took a look at that was excited too because what she found wasn't exactly a dollar.
There was no one around so we let her keep it. She was so nice and used it to buy us all ice cream!

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