Saturday, February 24, 2018

Owl Cafe

Going to an owl cafe was on my Japan bucket list for sure.  I love owls and the idea of seeing one up close and even touching one was really exciting for me.   There are a few different owl cafe's here in Japan but we went to the Owl Forest in Kamakura.
Right when we walked in there were owls everywhere.
I have to be honest and say that I felt a little bad for them all tied up.  I'm not sure if the owls really liked being there.  A couple times they snapped at the kids when the kids tried to pet them, making the kids nervous to pet the birds.
The snowy white Hedwig owl was my favorite.

I think the kids all loved this little one the best.  It was the least intimidating to them.

We had fun and it was definitly not something I've ever seen done in America.

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