Tuesday, August 28, 2018

1st Day of School

Yesterday was our official first day of school!  With homeschooling I don't feel nearly the same hype about it and I can tell the kids don't either.  We tried to make it special by taking pictures and it was the first day we've don't school in a while, so it was different.
Tucker wanted to start band so he is taking one class at the middle school.  The only problem is we live about 4 miles away from school and because it is just the one class the bus isn't available in the middle of the day.  I could normally drive him, but I want to prepare him for when I can't drive him.  So we made the 4 mile bike ride to his school, then hung around while he went to class then rode back.  It was hot!  My phone said it feels like 102 degrees!  Tucker said all they really did was take roll, I'm not sure that was worth the 50 minute bike ride each way in the heat, but hopefully it will get better.

Penelope is really happy to be once again homeschooling.  Out of everyone I think she is the most glad that she doesn't actually have to go to school.  Last year was her first year of homeschooling and I think after a little bit she got the hang of it and did really well.  I love teacher her at this age, she is old enough to read pretty well, and that makes it sooooo much easier.  It is really nice when she can read the directions, and have a little longer attention span.

Scarlett has a bit of a harder time doing what I ask when it is time for school, but we are going to try it again this year.  I can see she is making progress and the grades are a bit unfair to her.  It seems like she is just one year behind Penelope but she is almost two years younger.  I can tell they are more closer to two years apart school wise.  That is one great thing about homeschooling, she can go at her own pace.

Leon is officially in kindergarten.  He actually started doing math and reading about halfway though last year so not much will change this year for him.  He really loves that he gets to do school like all of his big siblings.

First day of school at the Woestman Academy.

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