Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Beatrix One Month

One day I'll post something other than Beatrix, but right now I spend about 90% of my time taking care of her, or at least it feels like it.  So she pretty much is all I'm focused on.  She is one month old!
The above picture turned out pretty cute, but it was super stressful to get.  I spent about two hours and fed her a couple times trying to get her calm enough for the picture and she never did calm down.  Every time I laid her down she cried.  She looks like she was peacefully sleeping but she was really just breathing between screams.  I gave up on the picture and loaded all my attempts on the computer when I noticed that this one actually turned out.  It was a small miracle.

These next few pictures are just random ones I took on my phone. 
 I love how she is just a little squished up ball most of the time.

Beatrix almost always turns to her side while sleeping.  It's so cute how she put her hands under her cheek in these.

This last one is my best attempt at a passport photo.  Because Beatrix was born in Japan we have to do a bit of work to get her paperwork completed.  We are actually meeting with the embassy tomorrow to get her birth certificate and passport.  Then later we will mail in for her social security card.  Even though she was born abroad she is automatically be a US citizen because Bob and I are.  It really doesn't matter that she was born on a U.S. base.  Even though she was born in Japan she has no claim on Japanese citizenship, to get that either Bob our I must have it.
Getting a passport photo of a baby is difficult!  We had to do it was Calista also.  Along with a white background they need to have their eyes open, mouths shut, and ears are supposed to be showing. 
Below is Calsita's picture, it still cracks me up.

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