Friday, March 8, 2019

Kids Pictures

Being a mom of six kids is hard!  Now that Bob is back at work I don't have time for anything.  I've been so busy trying to take care of a newborn and homeschool everyone, it is crazy!  Bob is back to working a ton so our lives feel pretty hectic at the moment.  On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, Bob and I don't really get to see each other until 7:30pm when we put the kids to bed.

I squeezed in a little time to take pictures of my pretty babies because I know it is important and they won't be little for very long.  
Calista is so happy to see Beatrix everyday.  I wasn't sure how she would handle getting less attention from Bob and I but it is going well.  She looks for Beatrix throughout the house all day and says "baby," in a way to loud and urgent sounding voice, whenever she sees her. 
Sometime she cries when I don't let her hold Beatrix.  She also gets upset when Beatrix is crying.  She has tried lift up my shirt to get me to feed Beatrix when she cries.  She has also lifted up her own shirt and pointed at her belly shouting baby.  When I tell her that only mom's can feed their babies she just cries and screams baby. 
Calista always wants to pat Beatrix on the back or give her kisses.  It is really sweet and I hope they will be best friends in a year or two.

Scarlett helps a ton with Beatrix.  Whenever I need someone to hold her I can count on Scarlett.  I know she will do a good job and actually try to calm her down and take care of her.  Scarlett is a pro with her.

Penelope is also super great at taking care of Beatrix.  She has the older sibling symptom where she tells all the other kids what they are doing wrong, and she makes sure everyone else is holding Beatrix correctly.  Along with taking care of Beatrix I've really needed help with Calista.  Penelope is great at playing with her and keeping her out of trouble while I am busy with Beatrix.  I'm not sure how I ever had a toddler and a newborn at the same time before.  It is so hard and I'd be lost without these big sisters to help out.

I seriously can't believe I have four girls!  I kind of thought I'd be a mom of lots of girls, but then when Leon was born I had two and two and thought I was done.  It turned out that I did have a lot of girls after all.

Leon is very sweet with Beatrix.  He likes to hold her but I am a little hesitant so I like him to sit and hold her.  Sometimes he does get bored of that and he wants to take her upstairs or different places but I never let him.  Maybe when she is a bit older I'll let him do a little more.  Beatrix is just so little right now.

Tucker will hold and take care of Beatrix whenever I ask, but other than that I didn't think he was that interested.  Then when I was at his basketball practice with Beatrix he came over and asked me how old she is.  Then I heard him walking by with his friends saying, "She is three and a half weeks old."  I thought that was cute that he was talking to his friends about his new baby sister.

Ok, now I can check off that I got individual pictures of each of the kids with Beatrix while she is still a new baby.  Now I need to hurry and take family pictures before she grows anymore!  I'm hoping to do it after church tomorrow so we will all be looking our best (meaning, I'll be dressed and have make up on), but the rain outside has been making it a bit difficult.

1 comment:

Gayle Daly said...

Beautiful - each picture. Corinne's boys just love their new baby sister. They are so sweet with her. We kind of expect that sisters would be sweet with a baby, but the boys - the surprise us. You are a brave woman Doranda. I don't know how you do it all. It's hard when Bob is gone long hours. I'm so glad your older children are so helpful.