Monday, August 5, 2019

Muggle Mania

The base had a Muggle Mania event to celebrate Harry Potter's birthday and we decided to go.  We were kind of last minute so we just looked in our closets and tried to dress up the best we could.  Leon and I were Harry Potter, Tucker was Ron, Penelope and Scarlett were Ginny, and we said that Calista was Luna and Beatrix was an elf.  Our costumes were pretty half hearted.
 We were able to make it onto the platform ok.
The first thing we did after arriving was eat our sorting hat cupcakes.  Tucker got Slytherin, the one he didn't want, and the other kids all got Hufflepuff.  I think they were in an order in the box the person passing them out pulled them straight from the baker box and Tucker's chocolate was in a different box from the others who got vanilla.
 There were a few things to do there, like wand making and peg doll painting.
Honeydukes is always a favorite for kids. 

 Below you can see the girls trying out every flavor beans.
Calista was really funny with these.  She kept taking them out of her mouth and saying yucky.  I learned my lesson years ago and didn't try any.  The vomit bean is just not worth the risk.
In the shrieking shack they had some spooky music and hanging skulls.  Calista thought it was way to scary to go inside.
Potions class was interesting.

All this Harry Potter talk inspired me to take the house test on Pottermore.  I got Gryffindor!  

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