Sunday, December 1, 2019

Tokyo Comic Con 2019

Bob took a Saturday off work so we could check out Tokyo Comic Con.  Bob and I aren't that into it, but we do enjoy a good super hero movie and thought it would be fun to see what there is to see.  Boy was it crowded!  We had to wait in a pretty long line just to walk inside the building.  It was rainy and cold so we were happy when we made it inside.  Most of the line was under cover but we did walk outside a good 20 minutes in the rain and I was not prepared for that.
Right when we walked in everyone was handed a plastic bag with random papers and advertisements inside.  Each bag also contained one little toy, not a lego, but like a  lego figurine.  The kids were so happy about those toys they said that made whole trip was worth it.
 We just walked around for a couple hours and looked at the booths. 

There were a lot of people dressed up.  I'm pretty sure this was just a regular guy who posed for the picture.  He kind of came up to Leon and tried to get him to pose for me to take a picture.   It was a little strange but I guess when you invest in a costume like that you want to get some use out of it.
 There were tons of figurines to look at.

 Calista got to see Ariel again.

 On the way out we stopped at a convenience store to grab some lunch.  Calista actually grabbed a corn dog and ran out.  Luckily I noticed her and was able to add it onto our other items as we were checking out.
I'm glad we went to see what it was all about.  We probably won't go again though.

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