Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Busy Calista

Calista keeps us pretty busy every day.  Here are just a few pictures and videos I pulled off my phone from the last week of her.
She is the only one of my kids to actually climb up shelves like this.  Nothing is safe.  Don't even ask me what is going on in the next picture.  I think she said something about being a nice ghost.
Oh and she totally has Bob wrapped around her finger.  They make cookies or some treat together pretty regularly always at her request.  She started even asking Bob right when he gets home from work if they can make cookies.

I'm not sure what gave her to urge this day, but whenever she sings I love it. 

Later that same night she walked in with Scarlett and Leon and informed us she was the badest badguy.  It was hilarious. 

I sure do love her. 

1 comment:

ESLAM UWK said...

شركات قطع غيار مصاعد يعتبر مصعد كرسي الدرج من أفضل الخيارات الذكية في الفلل السكنية والمباني التجارية ، وهو مناسب لكبار السن والأطفال وأصحاب الهمم.