Friday, September 28, 2018

Cup Noodles Museum

The Cup Noodles Museum is so fun I think all tourists who come to Japan should check it out.  After going through the museum you get to make your own cup.  

 I love the wall displaying all the types of cup noodles and the different countries where they are sold.  It is amazing how in our grocery stores her in Japan they often have an entire isle dedicated to cup noodles and ramen.  Definitly a staple here in Japan.

 Calista was difficult during the movie.  It was projected up onto the wall and she really wanted to run and scream and touch the wall the entire time.  I had to leave with her.  Good thing I've seen it before.  If we take all our visitors here our children will be ramen experts before we leave Japan.  The video is pretty good.  It explains how cup noodles were invented.
I opted out of making my own cup this time.  Once you do it, it isn't really necessary to do it again.  Unless you are a child.  All of my kids (except Calista) insisted on making one even though Penelope doesn't want to eat hers.

 Lastly we explored the museum some more.  It is really fun for kids.

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