Thursday, April 30, 2020

Calista's 3-Year-Old Photos

Calista is three years old!  She was only a couple months old when we moved to Japan and now she is practically a giant.  
She is so particular about her clothes and hair it was hard to get her to put this on.  She really wanted a certain dress that I don't really like but it is her favorite thing to wear.  I should probably take some pictures of her in that too.  Even when she is wearing a so called "pretty dress" she will only keep it on for part of the day.  She usually changes her clothing about three times a day.  She also never lets anything stay in her hair long.  I can't get her to wear a bow or any type of rubber band for more than five minutes.
She totally has a few chunks cut out of her hair.  She has cut her hair on at least three separate occasions.

She was honestly a little hard to take pictures of this time.  She didn't like the clothes or hair and she did not want to stand still for me.  I did manage to get a few shots though.  A few of these are her own poses.  She is really full of ideas and particular that they are carried out just how she is picturing them to.
Calista is super into everything and very messy.  She has now recently decided that she can go outside by herself.  So randomly throughout the day I'll look out the back window and see her!  I've tried to discourage that as much as possible.  Thankfully she does stay in our yard.
I like to see how she interacts with her siblings.  It doesn't really matter who.  If someone is paying attention to her she would loves to be with them.  She really likes to play with all of them... and their stuff.  Everyone knows to keep things hidden away from her but she does have a knack for getting and or eating everything people are trying to hide.

 We love Calista, she has been such a fun addition to our family.

1 comment:

Mary-Anne said...

She is darling. Happy Birthday!