Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Shabu Shabu Sha-you

We found an all you can eat shabu shabu restaurant that has a cotton candy machine.  Basically, we got into a habit of taking the kids out to a special birthday lunch every year.  Well covid made it so that Penelope went an entire year without having her birthday meal.  Scarlett and Tucker also had their birthday meals skipped and Penelope and Scarlett were willing to go do theirs together as long as we found an all you can eat cotton candy place.  

After hours of scouring the internet I found one.  They were in heaven.
They also had, waffles, ice cream, fun drinks, and a snow cone maker.  Not to mention curry, the meat, and a ton of vegetables.

We had so much fun that Bob took Tucker for his birthday meal the very next day.  They ordered 36 plates of meat.

It feels good to be caught up on the birthday meals for a couple of months.  

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