Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas!

Sending you love from Japan!

While we've enjoyed our time here, this will be our last Christmas in Yokosuka.  Bob has taken a new job down in Sasebo, Japan and we will be moving in just a couple of weeks.  We are excited, sad, and stressed about it all at the same time.  The new job will extend or total time in Japan to seven years, meaning we will go back to the states Sept. 2024.

Now for the yearly update:

Bob finished his tour in Yokosuka as a project engineer.  This year he worked mostly on the USS Blue Ridge and he is excited to start his new job.  Since I've been working Bob got to spend many more fun nights with the kids.

I've been busier then ever this year working as a server at Chili's.  While I loved it there were growing pains for me and the family.  Everyone had to get used to me being gone more often, and I had to get used to lack of sleep.

Tucker started high school and early morning seminary.  He spent much of his time riding his bike back and forth to base (often twice a day 7 miles each time).  

Penelope started playing the violin and is doing a great job, she also took on much more babysitting at our home. 

Scarlett tries to play with neighborhood friends all day everyday if we let her.

Leon is excelling in the third grade and likes to play with legos.

Calista wants to be a hairdresser and gave herself a few haircuts.  She also keeps us busy by sneaking fistfuls of sugar and any other sweets she can get her hands on.

Beatrix's vocabulary has grown a ton this year.  She also stopped wearing diapers during the day, which makes my life easier.

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