Thursday, October 12, 2023

Pumpkin Patch

Before I post about the pumpkin patch check out the leaves!  They are so pretty this time of the year.  I keep pointing out all the pretty trees to the kids.  They mostly think I'm crazy, except Scarlett who seems genuinely interested.  I love the fall leaves!

I'm not sure what these berries are but the bright purple was so pretty.
On to the pumpkin patch.  We went to a local one this year and it was cute and fun.  The older two thought it was a waste of time and made it known, over and over again.  But I tried to not let that ruin our fun.
Scarlett is always up for a picture.

They had a small corn maze and a few goats and chickens. 
We each picked out a goard to bring home and chose a few pumpkins together.  I wanted several different kinds so I can save the seeds and try to grow them.  We got a green, pink, and really muted orange pumpkin this year.   I'm also going to try to plant the seeds from the goards.  I have no idea what I'm doing though so I'm not sure any of them will grow.
The weather was perfect for fall.  The air has just a bit of crispness to it.  It was nice to spend the morning together outside.

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