Tuesday, June 25, 2024

8th Grade Formal and More

It's been a while since we hiked green mountain I've been itching to go since we moved back.
The views did not disappoint.
We have been spending a ton of time working at the property, and when I say "we" I mean "Bob".  But we do occasionally go help out.  The zipline has proven to be a much harder challenge to put up than any of us were expecting.  We had to rework it three times and even use the tractor to pull it tight.
Calista had the cutest reading debut.  She read a book to her class and their families.  She did great.
Penelope went to the 8th grade formal.  The theme was Star Starry Night. 
She went with friends and had a good time.  I think her dress was perfect. The shoes were not my idea but she was happy with it.

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