Tuesday, October 26, 2010

signed sealed delivered

Election day is November 02 and I have my ballot all ready to go.  When I first got the information packet I was very excited and started reading though it.  I then realized that I could barely understand it.  I didn't want to rely on the overly dramatic very annoying commercials to make my decision so I tried to to vote based on what I read in the booklet.  In over my head I decided to ask my mom.  She is good at that sort of thing and helped explain everything to me.  She even changed my mind about a few of the issues such as the state income tax.  At first I was for taxing the upper income people but my mom convinced me that that really isn't very fair.  I don't know very much about the government but I think I am republican because in general I am for less government involvement.  I think they waste so much.  I am definitely for Dino Rossi and I hope he wins.  I think it is close and in a heavily democratic state he might not.

What do you think about the issues?

today's highlights:
wearing my new fuzzy slippers
coloring leaves with Tucker
eating yummy hommade cookies 

today's non-highlights:
getting soaked trying to buckle the kids in the car
Tucker climbing on me and yelling while i'm on the phone

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