Sunday, January 16, 2011


Bob is at a scout committee meeting and we didn't have anything to do so I thought I would make a post.  The kids are just hanging out playing.
Penelope loves this walker toy she has.
Unfortunately this is what happens every time she takes 10 steps and then runs into something.  She doesn't even try to turn it around.  Crying for mom is just easier.  Sometimes she even cries a few feet before she hits the couch.
Tucker is playing with his cars.  He doesn't play by himself too often but he is right now.  It is pretty quiet in here.

The power went out for about a minute and I was talking on the phone to my mom.  The kids are funny because their reactions were complete opposite.  It was pitch black, Tucker thought it was cool and was asking if we could get the flashlights out.  Penelope was silent for about 10 seconds and then started screaming her head off.  I think she was scared, it even took a minute or two to calm her down after the lights turned back on.

Church went well today.  I had a meeting this morning at 10:30 and got back home at 11:30 so I was all ready early and had plenty of time to eat lunch and get the kids ready (church starts at 1).  bob and I went to azteca yesterday and I got this gigantic burrito.  it was good but I already had it for two meals and still have enough for another meal.  It was a big burrito.  Bob has no work tomorrow!  It is Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  I love that he gets most of the holidays off.  It is really nice because a lot of the time I don't know about them until just a day or two before.

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