I got the best mothers day present possible this year, a baby! We got to take her home Saturday night just in time for Mother's day. Scarlett is so sweet and precious but a ton of work at the same time. It can be so hard when she is fed and changed and burped and it is the middle of the night and neither bob nor I can figure out how to get her to stop crying. The good part is that I know that all the pain and lack of sleep my body is going through now it will stop and it will have been more than worth it. The hard part is just getting through the first few weeks.
I decided to make the trip down to my moms house for dinner despite my tiredness. On the one hand I wanted to stay home and rest, but on the other hand I was kind of bored and wanted to see everyone including my kids.
Tucker was excited to see Scarlett and was also protective of her. He wanted to tell everyone not to get to close and to be careful around her because he didn't want anyone to hit her. It was funny and cute because he was the only one who was accidentally bumping into her. He also asked why she was dressed like a banana. He thinks her swaddling is funny.
I also got a couple other presents this year. Tucker made a music box for me. it is the first kid made present I have gotten and I love it. Bob got me season 5 of spongebob. It is perfect because I now have something to watch while I am nursing or resting.
I am really grateful for my mom this year. She has been watching Tucker and Penelope for the past couple of days and is still taking care of them now. It has been a tremendous help because I don't think Bob and I are ready to handle the three of them at the same time yet. I just need a little more time to get the hang of taking care of a baby again before I add in the other two. Take this morning for example. Neither bob nor I were out of bed before 11. This was due to the lack of sleep during the night. It would have been impossible to stay in bed so long with a 3 year old and a 20 month old running around. My kids love spending time at grandma's house Tucker was even sad when we came over yesterday because he thought we were going to take him home. Thank you Mom!
Love the pictures. Yes, it was a nice gift for you to receive. Glad your mom's able to help out and it also gives you more time to bond with baby Scarlett.
I think Penelope just needed a baby on the other end of the pacifier. Now she has a real reason to not use it. Maybe. Hopefully you guys can get some rest before the whole family gets together again!
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