Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Last Day of School and Teacher's Gift

Tucker's last day of first grade was last Tuesday.  I think we were both very ready for school to end and summer to start.  I just like having all the kids home so I can do everything I want to do with them.  There never seems like enough time when they are gone most of the day at school.  Anyway,  I wanted to get his teacher a little gift.  Elementary teachers work so hard for their kids I just thought it would be nice.  So I found this idea on pinterest.

Its a cup with a little tag that says "thank you for quenching my thirst for knowledge."

Here's Tucker with his teacher Mrs. Crawford.

This year we carpooled (is that what you call it when you walk?) with three other boys.  It was nice not to have to take and pick up Tucker every time.  But it was also difficult to walk 8 kids home.
After school we thought it would be fun to take the kids to the McDonalds play place to celebrate.  I guess the rest of the town had the same idea because it was packed!
We had a good time.  This was Leon's first time when he was actually old enough to play.  He was having a blast!  But I still felt like I needed to be really close to him because it was so crowded.  Maybe next time we will go I will let him play a bit more on his own.

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