First day of school pictures are a big deal. I remember being a kid and my mom always took them in front of the same rock outside our house. Now I love taking them of my kids. For a different first day of school picture idea, try these first day of school shirts!
When I made Tucker's I spray painted the shirt, you can find that tutorial here.
This year I hand painted them on. It is a cleaner look and I think I prefer it better.
Materials Needed:
Large Shirt (joanns $3)
Freezer Paper
Fabric or even Craft Paint
1) The first thing I did was open up photoshop and make the text look how I wanted. Lucky for you if you like mine all you have to do is click on it and print it on freezer paper or and zoom in or out on your computer until it is the size you want.
2) I didn't even print it out. You can print on the freezer paper, but I don't have a printer and the computer makes a great lightbox. I just zoomed in until it was the size I wanted and then turned up the brightness on my computer and taped my freezer paper up to the screen. I then traced it. Make sure to trace on the dull side. I went with the outside lines, but you can do either you like.

3) The next step is to use an exacto knife and cut out the letters. This is the most time consuming step. Make sure to save your middle pieces. I did it on top of a cardboard box.
4) Now lay the paper shiny side down onto your shirt and iron it on. Here is where you need the middle pieces.
5) Now for the fun part. Paint your letters. I used fabric paint because I had it. But I've used craft paint before and it works fine too.
6) Once it is dry peal off the freezer paper and you are done!
I'm going to redo these creative first day of school pictures on the actual first day of school, but I wanted to get this tutorial out for everyone who is starting now.

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