Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Christmas Fun

We normally visit family for Christmas so this year was pretty different for us.  We got started by making treats a couple days early.  I made a list of all the Christmas food I wanted and bought the ingredients.  It ended up being way too much food for us.  We only even made about 3/4 of it, so I'll be making the rest once we finish eating the left overs.  I wanted to include the kids so each one got to help with one dessert.  It worked out pretty well that way.

I didn't get any pictures but on Christmas Eve we made a fire and watched "The Nativity."  We also watched other lds Christmas videos and skype called some family.  The kids each opened one present, new pajamas, and we made cookies and left them out for Santa.  Once the kids were in bed Bob and I stayed up late wrapping all the presents.  We also got the cinnamon rolls and breakfast casserole ready so they just had to bake in the morning.
When the kids got up we did stockings right away.  I remember having to wait for everyone to get up as a kid and it being really really hard.
After that we ate breakfast and then did presents.  Bob wanted to just do it all before breakfast, but I liked breaking it up like that.
Tucker got me these sunglasses.  He got them for free once a long time ago, I thought it was sweet because he said he wanted to get me something on his own without daddy helping him.  He also asked me to try them on a couple days ago and wouldn't tell me why.  I did not put it together until I opened the present.
This year we had the kids draw names out of a hat.  It was just too crazy for me before to try to help each child get a present for the others.  This was so much easier.
And the boys hug.
This next picture cracks me up.  They are still learning that it is ok for others to get something that you don't get.
I got a cool fish eye lens attachment for my phone so we took some selfies.
Bob got a bunch of new ties and a dress shirt.

The rest of the day we played on the beach and played around the house.  I had a cold and it got pretty bad on Christmas so I was worn out by 1pm.  I think I enjoyed the dinner leftovers more than the actual meal. 

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